

Posegenie is a computer vision project that was developed as a final project at TechLabs Berlin, with the aim of making yoga and fitness more accessible to people. The project uses machine learning algorithms and deep learning to detect and classify yoga poses based on video input from a webcam. The user can then see their own image on the screen, along with a visualization of their skeleton and the detected yoga pose.

As part of the AI track in Techlabs as well as that of the Posegenie project team, I made significant contributions to the development of the project. Specifically, I implemented two new exercises into the app and built the Flask backend to give feedback to the users. This work involved using technologies to accurately detect and classify the new exercises and provide real-time feedback to users.

One of the main features of the project is its ability to provide real-time feedback on the user's posture and alignment. Based on the detected pose, the system can suggest corrections to improve the user's form and alignment. This feedback can be especially helpful for beginners who may not have a yoga instructor present to provide guidance and corrections.

Posegenie was built using a variety of technologies, including OpenCV for image processing, TensorFlow for training the machine learning model, and Flask for building the web application. The project represents an innovative application of computer vision technology to improve physical wellness and fitness.

The project's development process involved several stages, including data collection and annotation, model training and validation, and web application development. The team faced several challenges along the way, such as balancing the accuracy and speed of the machine learning model, and ensuring that the system could run smoothly on a variety of devices.

In the future, the team plans to continue developing and refining the Posegenie project. One potential direction is to integrate additional features, such as the ability to track progress over time or provide personalized recommendations based on the user's fitness goals. Overall, Posegenie is an exciting project that demonstrates the potential of computer vision technology to improve health and wellness.